Back to School Letter from Supt. Lee

Welcome back to another school year, you should be very proud to send your children to the Red Rock Central district as our students have done wonderful things and will continue to impress us all in academics, arts and athletics. Our new building is progressing well, and we look forward to moving in October! The last day for students in the old building is October 15th and the first day in the new school is October 25th, with an extended MEA break for moving & getting settled.

In a few days our students will be returning to the classrooms once again. A warm welcome is extended to our students as they prepare for another busy and exciting year at Red Rock Central. Classes will begin Monday, August 26th. Our new starting school time is 8:15 AM with a dismissal time at 3:09 PM. Our AIM Camp after-school program for K-6 students will be available again this year, please contact if you need more information.

We will have our annual Open House on Thursday, August 22nd from 4:00-7:00pm. This is a great time to meet teachers, drop off school supplies, put money in lunch accounts, pick up season passes, etc. RRC families can also attend the home volleyball game for FREE this evening, and there will be food available for purchase at the game as well. We will host an Open House in the new building for the community and RRC families in October, so watch for an announcement to come.

Breakfast and lunch remain FREE for students.  A regular reimbursable meal is covered. If students would like extra milk, additional entrées, or to purchase items from ala carte (which is cashless), money will still need to be in their lunch account.Extra milk at meals, grades K-12, may be purchased for $.50 for a single carton. The extra entrée price is still to be set by the school board.

Milk for afternoon milk break for grades 1-4 will be $.50 cents for ½ pint. Students will have the option of paying $85 per year or $43 per semester, with payment due by the first day of school. Payment for milk break will be accepted on a semester ($43) or yearly ($85) basis only. There will be no charge for kindergarten milk break. Lactose free milk substitutions will be available upon request.

Lunch account balances, grades, attendance, and demographic information can be accessed by going to (JMC Login link also available under the Quicklinks on our website). You can contact the office to get your login information. If you’ve had any changes to addresses, parent phone numbers or emails, please contact the office with that information as well.

We will also be mailing families an Application for Educational Benefits (or they were included in sports packets); they are also accessible through the Quicklinks on our website if you prefer to print your own. We strongly recommend that all those who meet income guidelines fill out these forms and turn them in to the office before school starts, as qualifying families help our school qualify for additional education funds and discounts.


Bus drivers will call all families to inform them of pickup times. If you have any questions, please call the office the week before school begins, 507-752-7361. All bus procedures and bus rules of good behavior will be enforced as in years past.


Please contact the school between 7:30-10:00 AM the day of an absence.

  • Pre-K-6 please email or call 507-540-0655 (voicemail available).
  • Grades 7-12 please email or call 507-752-7361 or 507-540-0655 (voicemail at the latter).
  • You can also report absences through the JMC Family App on your phone.

If you know of a planned absence, advance notice would be appreciated. If your child is not in school and we haven’t heard from you by 9:30 AM, you will receive an automated call through our JMC system. This procedure will enable you, as parents and guardians, and the school to be more accountable for our greatest resource, our children. Your cooperation is very important, which will result in safer communities in which we live.


Red Rock Central School District does not provide any type of health or accident insurance for injuries incurred by your child at school. A letter explaining optional coverage made available through Student Assurance Service, Inc. will be emailed to all families. If you do not receive this information, please let us know and we can send it to you.


Participation fees for athletics were approved by the Board of Education. The fees are as follows:

                *ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION FEES:                                    *SPEECH/DRAMA FEE

                Grades 7-8                            $25.00                                   Per activity                            $25                        

                Grades 9-12 (1st)                  $50.00                                   Family maximum                  $75

                Grades 9-12 (2nd)                 $40.00

                Grades 9-12 (3rd)                 $30.00

                Family Maximum                  $110.00

*All Athletic participation & Drama fees will be waived with a completed Application for Educational Benefits.


                Adults                                                                                     $8.00

                Non RRC Students (grades K-12)                                      $5.00

                Former RRC Students (College ID Required)                  $5.00


                Adult                                      $55.00

                Grades 7-12                          No Charge

                Grades K-6                            No Charge with a parent/guardian also attending

                Family Maximum                  $110

                Senior Citizen 55+               $30.00

                Senior Citizen 65+                $50.00 Lifetime Pass

                Faculty and Staff                  No Charge

INSTRUMENT RENT:                                                           DRIVER EDUCATION:

                Grades 7-12                          $60.00                                   $300.00 RRC Student

                Grades 7-12 percussion     $30.00                                   $400.00 Non-RRC Student

                Elementary                            $35.00

                Elementary percussion       $20.00

In order to reduce lines on the first day of school, we would appreciate payments before school begins if possible. Please mail or drop off payments at the school office, or pay at Open House. Lunch accounts can also be paid online through the JMC Family portal or the JMC Family App.


In the interest of safety and well-being, all elementary students should be accompanied by a parent or guardian to all extra-curricular school events. Please be aware that there is no smoking on Red Rock Central property.


Todd Lee


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