Apply for Educational Benefits
While one breakfast and one lunch meal are free for students each day this school year, completing an Educational Benefits application is essential for Red Rock Central Schools as it determines the school’s level of eligibility for grants, as well as State and Federal dollars, which are allocated to each school. Completing an application also helps qualifying families receive a variety of discounts or waivers on things like athletic/activity fees and ACT test fees. Only one application needs to be submitted per household. A new application can be submitted at any time throughout the school year should a household’s financial needs change. Complete an application below today!
Apply Online
Apply through JMC Family
1. Login to JMC Family (link also found in the QuickLinks of our website)
2. Click “Register for 2024-25”
3. Click “Application for Educational Benefits”
4. Start application
*For assistance with your JMC Family account, contact the office at 507-752-7361 or email the Elementary ( or the High School (
Apply on Paper
Printable Educational Benefits Application
Families have the ability to fill out or pick up an application at the school office, or click the link above to print a copy.
If you have questions about the application or need help, please call 507-752-7361 option 1.