Quick Links
- Welcome
- When Should I Keep My Child Home from School?
- Annual Student Health Form RRC 24-25
- Medication Authorization Form (Rx meds)
- Medication Self-Administration Form (OTC meds like Tylenol, Advil, allergy)
- Back to School Family Checklist
- What Immunization are Required and When?
- Immunization Form / Exemption Form
- Head Lice Fact Sheet
School Nurse: Nicole Churchill
Contact Nurse Nicole
Nurse’s direct phone: 507-752-7361 option 4
The Red Rock Central School District is following COVID-19 guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health.
General Health Guidance: If you feel sick, stay home and away from others until 24 hours after BOTH of these things have happened:
- You are fever-free (without fever-reducing medications), AND
- Your symptoms are getting better.