

Red Rock Central Student Honor Loan Chapter

History:  The Student Honor Loan Chapter originally began over 35 years ago as a Dollars for Scholars chapter. During this time, Frederick Sahr, a 1927 graduate of Lamberton High School, donated additional funds to assist future graduates.  Since the beginning, 400+ graduates have been awarded over $300,000 in loans and scholarships.  Over $150,000 has been paid back into the fund, which allows future graduates the same opportunity.

Mission:  Assist Red Rock Central graduates with financing post-secondary education.

Funds:  The Student Honor Loan is funded by donors – individuals and businesses in the local area, former graduates, and by the repayment of loans that are awarded to students.

How it works:  Graduates are awarded an interest-free loan.  Parents/students sign a repayment agreement that the money will be repaid once the student completes their education and enters the workforce.  Monthly payments are acceptable.

The amount that is awarded to students each year depends on a number of factors, including the number of honor loan requests, and the financial status of the Student Honor Loan accounts. When funds allow, the students are also awarded a Fredrick Sahr Memorial Scholarship, which does not need to be re-paid.

If a student is awarded an honor loan, they are also then eligible for another loan once they are in their 3rd year of college. Students must have completed 5 semesters, and be enrolled for the 6th semester before requesting additional funds.

Committee Members:  The Student Honor Loan committee is made up of members representing all 4 communities in our Red Rock Central district.

Tesa Jenniges, President
Deb Fredrickson, Vice President      Deb Furth                    Mike Vollmer
Rachel Karnitz, Secretary                 Rich Arkell                    Angela Holman
Emily Evans, Treasurer                    Greg Ewing

Donations:  Are you interested in helping fund the education of our local students?  Please consider a donation to honor a loved one or commemorate a special date/event in your life.  You will be helping future Red Rock Central graduates!  All donations are tax deductible.  Please send all donations to:

Student Honor Loan Chapter
PO Box 434
Lamberton, MN 56152

Claiming Your Scholarship:  Specific instructions were included on the back of your award certificate.  Please refer to them for information on how to claim your scholarship and/or loan.  Please mail all documents to:

Student Honor Loan Chapter
c/o RRC Counselor
PO Box 278
Lamberton, MN  56152

Loan Payments: Honor loans must be repaid or a repayment plan must be established within 12 months of leaving, finishing, or graduating from college.  If the loan becomes delinquent, it may be turned over to a collection agency for receipt of the money that is owed. 

Checks should be made out to Student Honor Loan Chapter and mailed to the address below:

Student Honor Loan Chapter
PO Box 434
Lamberton, MN 56152

Class of 2023 – 9 recipients were each awarded a $500 scholarship and a $1,000 interest-free loan
Class of 2022 – 11 recipients were each awarded a $500 scholarship and a $1,500 interest-free loan
Class of 2021 – 9 recipients were each awarded a $500 scholarship and $1,500 interest-free loan
Class of 2020 – 6 recipients were each awarded a $500 scholarship and $1,500 interest-free loan
Class of 2019 – 15 recipients were each awarded a $500 scholarship and $1,000 interest-free loan
Class of 2018 – 19 recipients were each awarded a $500 scholarship and $1,000 interest-free loan
Class of 2017 – 8 recipients were each awarded a $750 scholarship and $2,000 interest-free loan
Class of 2016 – 14 recipients were each awarded a $500 scholarship and $1,500 interest-free loan
Class of 2015 – 7 recipients were each awarded a $500 scholarship and $1,500 interest-free loan

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