

Student Cell Phone Policy Change

RRC Parents,

At the August 21st School Board Meeting, the Red Rock Central School Board approved a change in the District’s Student Handbook concerning cell phone use. The new policy states:

“Students are prohibited from using cell phones and other electronic communication devices during class time. Students also are prohibited from using a cell phone or other electronic communication device to engage in conduct prohibited by school district policies including, but not limited to, cheating, bullying, harassment, and malicious and sadistic conduct.”

Beginning this school year in all 7th – 12th grade classes, cell phones will be collected at the beginning of the period by the teacher. If at any time throughout the class period a teacher sees a student with a cell phone in their possession,  the phone will be confiscated and the district progressive discipline procedures will be followed. 7th – 12th grade students may use their cell phones during the passing time between classes and during the lunch period.

No changes have been made to the Cell Phone Policy for grades K – 6. Cell phones are strongly discouraged at school for students in grades K-6. If a K-6th grade student does bring a cell phone or other electronic device to school, please understand that it must stay in the student’s locker at all times. Cell phones are NOT allowed at recess or in the lunchroom. Please note that student lockers do not have locks on them and storing anything of value is at your own risk. Red Rock Central is not responsible for lost, broken, or stolen devices.

Progressive Discipline Procedures – 

1st offense – Teacher keeps phone until the end of the period – fills out discipline referral form

2nd Offense – Phone is taken to the office – Student can pick up the phone at the end of the day – discipline referral form is filled out

3rd Offense – Phone is brought to the office and the parent will be contacted to come and pick up the phone – discipline referral form is filled out and a plan for the students continued use of the phone will be created between the parents and administration.

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